25+ years of
Instrumental in many different projects, and proud of the work I've done.
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Branding Project
Challenge: A full-service commercial real estate company had an objective to brand and launch a new home renovation company—as well as come up with a company name—that would change the renovation experience for NYC homeowners and renters.
Solution: chapter ... the innovation in home renovation
By coming up with the name chapter, we created a foundation for the brand to story tell in a way that matched each customer's unique chapter in life. First apartment, new purchase or rental, new job...whatever the new next may be, chapter is poised to get you there.
Skills utilized:
Interviewing/insight mining (multiple sessions with client)
Brand name concepting and URL search
Brand strategy
Copywriting (for promotional materials)
SEO/digital content writing (for launch website)
Collaborating with creative director, designers, and SEO company
Client: LexisNexis
Projects: Direct mail packages targeting former LexisNexis customers who haven't used the LN legal solutions since law school. Postcards targeting present customers. Video scripts. Training videos.
Client: Nestlé Health Science
Projects: Various educational materials for tube-feeding nutritional therapies. Targeting direct to patient and direct to HCP. Transition kits for children leaving the hospital. Patient websites. Print. Collateral. Video scripts. Tracker apps.
Client: Aerosoles Shoes
Projects: Digital promotions, site content, monthly catalogs for in-store promotion and direct to customers. Video scripts. Sales tools.
Client: FairHope Direct
Projects: Direct mail packages targeting consumers and church leaders. Original content for newsletters sent with fulfillment packages for various club series.
Client: J&J Consumer Healthcare Division
Projects: In-store educational brochures, patient-centric microsites, FSIs, print.
Other cool stuff:
Print ad/trade pub
Original greeting cards (copy & art)